Computer History

Turing Machines and Computability Theory
The Turing machine is the central theoretical construct in computer science. The Turing machine is an abstract mathematical model of computation. The ...
History of the Transistor and the Transistor Computer
The invention of transistors is one of the most important breakthroughs of the 20th century. In fact, most electronic devices used in day-to-day activ...
Przypadek geniuszu Ady Lovelace lub oszustwa?
Ada King, hrabina Lovelace, była dziewiętnastowiecznym angielskim matematykiem, który jest dziś powszechnie nazywany przydomkiem pierwszego na świecie...
Dzieło Johna von Neumanna
Jana von Neumanna John von Neumann urodził się w Budapeszcie 28 grudnia 1903 r. w zamożnej rodzinie bankowej wyniesionej do rangi węgierskiej szlach...
Who invented the microprocessor?
The microprocessor is the engine of all modern computers including, desktops, laptops, and smartphones. The microprocessor is the component of compute...
Pierwszy komputer mainframe Harvard Mark I
Komputer typu mainframe lub „wielkie żelazko” w branży komputerowej to najdłużej działający system komputerowy w historii. Technologia ta była bardzo ...
Donald Knuth A Professional Biography
As a luminary in the field of computer science Donald Knuth has been named the “father of the analysis of algorithms” and has been the recipient of nu...
The History of Computer Mouse
Many of today's online transactions can be conveniently done with just a click of a mouse. Prior to the invention of the mouse, people were only using...
The History of Cray Supercomputers
Today's fastest supercomputer, Fugaku by Fujitsu, has a speed of 415 petaflops (Pflops).[1] But would you believe that the first supercomputer is slow...