
Windows 7 Basic 16 Colors Themes Mega Pack.

Windows 7 Basic 16 Colors Themes Mega Pack.

Here is a Collection of 16 color themes for Windows 7 from UNTITLEDGAME. This is A Shell - Color Replacement For The Windows 7 Basic Theme.

This Theme Pack includes all the necessary files required to install any color of your choosing, viz Uxtheme patch, take ownership registry file and also step-by-step instructions guide.

How to install the Basic theme:

First open the folder UXTHEME PATCH
Right click “UniversalThemePatcher-x86
Run As Administrator
Press all of the “PATCH” Buttons

Click “TAKEOWNERSHIP” and add to registry.
Press YES to Install

Now navigate to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Aero
Find aero.msstyles
Right Click and Take Ownership

Finally Replace the aero.msstyle file with the one of your choosing.

The Color Selection Is Large and Includes:

Blush - Chocolate - Frost- Fuchsia - Lavender - Leaf- Lime Pumpkin - Ruby - Sapphire - Sea - Sky - Slate - Sun - Taupe Twilight - Violet (All of The Colors of Aero)

Visit Download Page (Updated Link).

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