
Turn off Press and Hold right-click function on Wacom Pen in Windows 10

Turn off Press and Hold right-click function on Wacom Pen in Windows 10

Sometimes, for no apparent reason, you can spend a considerable amount of time in trying to disable press-and-hold for right-click function of Wacom Pen for Windows 10 tablets and touch devices. If you find yourself in the middle of such a situation, we offer you a solution here.

Disable Wacom Pen Press & Hold right-click function

The main issue here is the circle popping up when a user holds down the pen too long and subsequent freezing of the cursor corresponding the pen action. It renders your tablet device unfit for use, temporarily. To fix this, do the following.

Open Control panel. Type 'Pen and Touch' in the search box of Control Panel to open 'Pen and Touch' setting. Please note that the setting 'Pen and Touch' are only available on models equipped with a touchscreen, and it's normal that you cannot find 'Pen and Touch' under 'Control Panel' on non-touch models.

There, under the 'Pen and Touch' setting box that opens left-click the entry 'Press and hold' and hit the 'settings'.

The action when confirmed opens another 'Press and Hold setting' screen.

Look for the option that reads 'Enable Press and Hold for right-clicking'. When seen, simply uncheck the box marked against this option.

Turn off Press & Hold on Wacom Pen using Registry

This requires tweaking the registry settings. So, it's advisable to create a backup of your work before you proceed further.

Assuming, you have created the backup, open Registry Editor and navigate to the following address


Double-click the 32-bit DWORD value named TouchMode visible in the right side pane and change its value data from 1 to ( to turn on or off the 'press and hold for right-clicking' feature for your touchscreen.

When done, simply close Registry Editor and restart your computer to allow the changes to take effect.

Let us know if this helped you.

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