
Too many PIN entry attempts BitLocker error in Windows 10

Too many PIN entry attempts BitLocker error in Windows 10

In today's post, we will identify the cause and the offer the possible workaround to the issue of Too many PIN entry attempts error message that you might encounter after you enter a BitLocker PIN at Windows 10 startup. This issue applies to Windows 10 and as well as Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.

The BitLocker Drive Encryption is a full disk encryption feature included with Windows operating systems designed to protect data by providing encryption for entire volumes. By default, it uses the AES encryption algorithm in CBC mode with a 128-bit key, combined with the Elephant diffuser for additional disk encryption specific security not provided by AES.

Too many PIN entry attempts - BitLocker error

You experience this issue after you enter a BitLocker PIN at Windows startup on a new computer that is running an OEM version of Windows 10, and you receive the following error message:

Too many PIN entry attempts.There is a limit on the number ot attempts allowed. To reboot and try again,pressEnter. For other recovery options,press Esc.
This issue occurs because the OEM doesn't reset the lockout count before shipping the device. Or simply that the TPM chip thinks it's being threatened and therefore has locked itself, preventing the PIN entry (which you're most likely typing incorrectly) from unlocking the drive.

To work around this issue, do any the following in no particular order:

Unlock the system drive

manage-bde -unlock : -recoverypassword  manage-bde -unlock : -recoverykey 

Turn off BitLocker

manage-bde -off :

You can also try the following steps below and see if it helps.

Suspend-bitlocker -MountPoint “C:” -RebootCount 0

The reboot count option prevents BitLocker from being re-enabled on reboot.

Resume-BitLocker -MountPoint “C:” -Confirm

And that's it! Hope this helps.

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