
How to join Windows 10 Insider Program without a Microsoft Account

How to join Windows 10 Insider Program without a Microsoft Account

Insider builds are development builds that may have bugs, missing functionality, and other issues. One of the requirements of joining the Insider program is that users need to have a Microsoft Account as it needs to be supplied during the joining/enrolling. In this post, we will present to yo you how to join the Windows 10 Insider Program without a Microsoft Account, rather with a Local Account using the OfflineInsiderEnroll script.

According to the OfflineInsiderEnroll Github project page;

This script takes advantage of undocumented TestFlags registry value. If this value is set to 0x20, all access to online Windows Insider services gets disabled. Because of this, we can set our own Windows Insider Preview configuration without being overriden by the contact to the service. Since Windows Update does not check if machine is actually enrolled to the program, you will get offered Insider Preview builds by just setting correct values in the registry.

Join Windows 10 Insider Program without a Microsoft Account

OfflineInsiderEnroll is a simple script to join the Windows Insider Program on the machine it is executed on using a local account. It is still necessary to set the Telemetry setting of the system to Full as this is a requirement for receiving Windows Insider builds.

To join the Windows 10 Insider Program using the OfflineInsiderEnroll script, follow the instructions outlined below.

That's it!

Read: How to check if you are Flighting Insider Builds.

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