
How to install WPS Office in Solus

How to install WPS Office in Solus


  1. David

    Thanks a lot! I have just installed Solus and I was glad to see WPS in the software center but it takes longer than i think it should. Will try the terminal after a couple of minutes, I hope it works this time since I had problems with it on other distros.

  2. GNU

    “For pasting in the Terminal you need to right-click and select 'paste'. Ctrl + V won't work in 'Terminal' of Solus.”

    Thats not a “Solus Terminal” problem. Thats a standard. In Linux you paste things in Terminal with CTRL + SHIFT + V

    • Kiran Kumar

      I actually didn't mean that, but I get your point. I corrected it. Thanks.

  3. Marco

    Is it no longer in the software center? My list ends with “webstorm”.

    It is possible to install with terminal, great. Not the actual version, but i think, this work will be done shortly.
    My question is: With Manjaro i can install mui-packages for extended language support (in my case wps-office-mui-de-de in aur). Furthermore dictionary extensions.

    Is there a way to receive this, to? Formerly it was possible directly in WPS, but they offer only chinese and US.

    Thanks a lot!

    • Alex

      You could always install it using flatpak, since WPS is on the flathub on its latest version

  4. Frank Starr

    Please update your info. This and a few other packages are now in the github Cantalupo repository.


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