
How to Import Bookmarks to Firefox from Edge, Chrome, IE, browsers

How to Import Bookmarks to Firefox from Edge, Chrome, IE, browsers

In case you missed this, Mozilla Firefox web browser now allows you to import Bookmarks or Favorites from Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 10, along with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome browsers. A recent update to Firefox has added the option to import even Edge's favorites.

Import Bookmarks into Firefox

In Edge browser saved web links are called “Favorites”. In Firefox, they're called “Bookmarks” - but basically, they mean the same thing.

  1. To import bookmarks from Edge to Firefox:
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+B to open the Bookmarks Library.
  3. Here you will see an Import and Export button.
  4. Click on it and select Import data from another browser.
  5. The Import wizard, as shown in the image, will open.
  6. Here you can select the Microsoft Edge check box
  7. Click Next and follow the wizard to its conclusion.

If you wish to, you can also select Internet Explorer and Chrome.

That is all you need to do. Your Edge favorites will appear as Firefox bookmarks!

Before closing, I have to mention that, if you were to ever delete your Firefox bookmarks by mistake, you have a way to restore the deleted Firefox Bookmarks.

Use Edge or Chrome? Then see these:

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