
How to check Bluetooth Battery level on Windows 10

How to check Bluetooth Battery level on Windows 10

Windows 10 allows you to to check the Bluetooth battery level of devices.  Often, the peripherals or accessories we use for our Windows 10 devices are connected to it via Bluetooth technology. It's a high speed low powered wireless technology designed to link phones, computers, and other network devices over a short distance, without wires.

Find Bluetooth Battery level on Windows 10

Monitoring the battery level of a Bluetooth enabled device is not easy as most of these devices do not support Bluetooth battery monitor or battery level display. If some of them do, you have to install additional software to find it. Windows 10 eliminates this requirement. All you have to do is-

  1. Add a Bluetooth device
  2. Connect the Bluetooth device

1] Add a Bluetooth device

The simplest, way of getting your Bluetooth device battery to display on your Windows 10 screen is to add a Bluetooth device. For this turn 'on' the Bluetooth mode of your device, go to Windows 'Settings' > Devices > 'Bluetooth & other devices'.

Once there, click the '+' button adjacent to 'Add Bluetooth or other devices' and choose the kind of device you would like to add.

2] Connect the Bluetooth device

When the device becomes visible under 'Add a device' screen, select it and hit the 'Done' button.

Once connected, go back to 'Bluetooth and other devices screen' and scroll down to 'Mouse, Keyboard and Pen section'.

Simply move the cursor alongside the connected device to display its battery level.

Please note that there are multiple ways via which you can show Bluetooth devices' battery information. However, Windows 10 understands only one of them (Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Battery Service). As such, if your device is not a Bluetooth Low Energy device (like Apple's Magic Mice/Keyboards/Trackpads, all of the headphones/headsets/speakers, and most of the game controllers), Windows 10 will fail to show their battery information. Even if your device is Bluetooth Low Energy device or if it uses a different protocol to report its battery information (like the example of Mi Band 2 in the screenshot), Windows 10 will not display its battery level.

I hope this helps!

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