Windows Defender

How to allow Apps through Controlled Folder access in Windows Defender

How to allow Apps through Controlled Folder access in Windows Defender

Windows 10 brings in one minor but very crucial change to Ransomware Protection in Windows Security. This feature made sure that ransomware and other malware were blocked from hijacking your device and data. It also included settings which once enabled protects files, folders, and memory areas on your device from authorized changes by unfriendly applications.

Allow Apps through Controlled Folder Access

To allow desktop software through Controlled Folder Access, do the following:

As of now, I don't see any support for the Microsoft Store apps, though.

This will make sure that you can give access to programs you trust. Some Programs which I often use like Dropbox, Microsoft Word, etc. should be able to access them without any trust issue.

In case one of your programs is blocked by Controlled Folder feature, then you can come here, and unblock it. There is no way to block apps right now.

You should know that Ransomware can get into your PC from almost anywhere. The website, email and even from your favorite app if you are not careful. So make sure to give access to programs which you trust. All your files are backed up on OneDrive connected with the Microsoft account on your PC. So when you get a warning, you can always restore files.

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