
How to add Skype button to your website

How to add Skype button to your website

Many consumers when buying online, have many queries about the product. Although the product will have some description on the site, users would feel better if they could get more information by talking or texting to the business owner. Similarly small businesses too think in this way and want to get more customers by providing better service to customers. Or if you are running a blog, your readers can further discuss their doubts with you. For such scenarios comes Skype. Skype is now providing Skype buttons, which is free and easy to add to a web site. Thus small business owners can interact directly with their customers answering any queries they have.

Adding a Skype button to your website lets people connect with you via Skype with just one click. Whether they're on a computer or mobile, they'll get through with a voice call or an instant message.

Add Skype button to website

Adding a Skype button is quick, easy and Free! Just visit the Skype Button Page, enter your Skype name, Choose what you'd like your button to do - whether you want your button to initiate a call, IM chat or both. Select your button color and size. That's all! And it'll generate the code for you . Skype buttons provide you with a generated block of HTML. Just paste this code in your site where you want the button to appear.

Whatever option you choose, you can see the preview of it. The Skype button background will be transparent and will work on any color background.

Once it is placed on the website, it'll appear as a Skype icon with the word Call or Chat next to it depending on what you have chosen. Anyone can click on it and if they are logged into their Skype account, can start communicating with you right away. You can also add your regular known customers to your contact list. Since new people will be contacting you via the Skype button, you should configure your Skype client to accept calls or chats from anyone.

Here's how the Skype button will look on the website -

If you remember, option of adding chat box was provided by Windows Live Messenger too . Now you can add the Skype button very easily and can provide feedback of what you think about it.

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