Context Menu

How to add Attach & Detach option to context menu of VHD files

How to add Attach & Detach option to context menu of VHD files

VHD Attach is a small tool that adds Attach and Detach options to the right-click context menu of Virtual disk (VHD) files.

Add Attach & Detach option to VHD context menu

This tool enables those operations to be done easily, without a trip to the Disk Management console.

The Detach option is available on a hard drive contextual menu also.

Additionally, the program can be also used as a classic utility in order to see the various information about the virtual disk, even without attaching it.

Do note that this program only works with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Server. Older operating systems are not supported.

VDH Attach free download

You can download VDH Attach from its Home Page.

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