Start Menu

Fix dead or broken links of System Folders on Windows 7 Start Menu

Fix dead or broken links of System Folders on Windows 7 Start Menu

The Start Menu in Windows 7 or Windows Vista shows links to User folders like Pictures, Video, Music, Downloads or Documents folders. If you find that the links to these system folders, viz. Pictures, Download, Music, Video or Documents are dead or not working , do the following to correct the problem:

Start Menu links to System User Folders not working

You can click on the Restore Default button, else you do the following:

Right-click on the Start Menu Pictures link > Properties > Location. Insert the following path and click  Apply > OK.


Here C is the System Drive and Owner is your User Name

Similarly, if your Music link is not working, insert:


And if your Documents link is not working, insert


For Video, use


For Downloads, use


Hope this helps you fix the broken links of the user folders on your Windows 7 Start Menu.

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