
Disable Bing Search in Windows 8.1 Search Charm

Disable Bing Search in Windows 8.1 Search Charm

Bing, the search engine takes a center stage in Windows's latest upgrade - Windows 8.1. It now powers Windows 8.1's search. That's all right but what might infuriate you is that the search engine in Windows 8.1 will also serve up something that most computer users might not like: Ads on your desktop!

It has been learned that there will be a deep linking between both, the advertisements and the search results provided by Bing. The idea of linking is currently at Microsoft's discretion and I believe, the company will eventually approve the deal when the final version of the preview version is out. Ads will be an integral part of Search in Windows 8.1! Should you wish to disable Bing from Windows 8.1 Search charm, here's how to do it.

Turn off or Disable Bing Search from Windows 8.1 Search charm

Open the Charms Bar by pressing Windows + C key or if you are using a tablet, swiping in from the right of screen. Then, select 'Settings' option. Next, choose 'Change PC Settings' option from the lower right-hand corner of your computer screen.

Once done, under 'PC settings' panel, select the “Search & Apps” section visible at left.

Then, on the right hand side, search for the following: Use Bing to search online and Get search suggestions and web results from Bing.

Simply slide the bar from 'On' to 'Off' to disable the search engine. This will disable Bing Search on Windows 8.1 Search Charms.

Your Windows Search will however continue to function!

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