
Create printable Halloween Cards using images from Microsoft Office Gallery

Create printable Halloween Cards using images from Microsoft Office Gallery

Halloween is approaching and this year you can do things differently! You can try your hand at creating your own Cards for Halloween. Instead of buying Halloween cards this year, use these spooky images from Microsoft Office's Featured Gallery of images.

You can either download the images or copy-paste them into your e-card.

If you are using Internet Explorer, you will be able to simply copy-paste the images. Clicking on Copy will install the Microsoft Office Template and Media ActiveX Control on your browser, which is not really a bad thing. This  control will help you to copy images directly into your Office documents.

Users of Firefox, Chrome, Opera may have to download the images.

Visit the Microsoft Office Halloween Images Gallery to check out the spooky images and here for Halloween themes.

If you are looking for some help, you can check out this tutorial on how to design Greeting Cards in Microsoft Publisher 2010.

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