Group Policy

Completely disable Web Search in Windows 10 using Group Policy

Completely disable Web Search in Windows 10 using Group Policy

Microsoft has integrated Bing web search in Windows 10/8.1, in addition to the native search available in previous Windows editions. Thus when you search for anything on your Windows computer, if you're connected to the web, Bing web search results are displayed automatically. This is continued with Windows 10, and here Cortana - the voice assistant leads the flag.

Now, some users may be okay with the fact that web results are displaying additionally even when they don't look forward to them. However, some other communities of users may not be convinced of this fact. The reason behind this could be unnecessary data consumption by your system to fetch web search results. Thus, if you also belong to the latter community of users, you may want to disable web search results completely from being displayed in Windows 10.

UPDATE: Since since Cortana is separate from Windows Search, Windows 10 v2004 and later may have to follow this procedure to disable Bing Search in Windows 10 Start Menu.

Disable Web Search Results in Windows 10

1. In Windows 10/8.1; Pro & Enterprise Editions, press Windows Key + R combination, type put gpedit.msc in the Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Local Group Policy Editor.

2. In the left pane of Local Group Policy Editor window, navigate here:

Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Search

3. Moving on, on the right side of the above-shown window and scroll down to look for Settings named Do not allow web search and Don't search the web or display web results in Search. Both of these are Not Configured by default. Double click on any one of them:

4. Finally, in the above-shown window, select Enabled and click Apply followed by OK. Enable the other Setting in a similar way. Close Local Group Policy Editor now. Reboot the machine to make changes effective.

After restarting the machine, you'll find that web search results are no longer displayed. In case, if you later want to get web search results, simply restore both policies to Not Configured status.

That's it!

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