
Chat & Share across Devices & Messengers using Nimbuzz Messenger for Windows Phone 8

Chat & Share across Devices & Messengers using Nimbuzz Messenger for Windows Phone 8

Nimbuzz Messenger is a free app for mobile phones that allows you to send unlimited chat messages and share files on any mobile device across popular messengers. It lets you chat, share media with your buddies on Facebook, GTalk, etc, for free and is available on Windows Phone, Android, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry, Java, PC and Mac.

There is good news for Windows Phone 8 users! The brand new Nimbuzz 1.1.3 is available for download on your Windows phone. For existing Nimbuzz users, this one is much more quick and efficient as compared to the earlier version of the app.

Nimbuzz Messenger

The Nimbuzz messenger app gives you a super-sonic experience of connecting and sharing indefinite messages and files (music, pictures, videos, etc.) with mobile device across the world. Nimbuzz enhances the smartphone experience by taking communication and file sharing to a whole another level. It makes it so easy to connect with any person, anytime, anywhere! You can also connect your Facebook or Gtalk with it at absolutely no cost and chat or share files through it. Till date, Nimbuzz has more than 150 million registered users across all mobile platforms.

What's new in Nimbuzz

Features of Nimbuzz

Download Nimbuzz Messenger here.

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