
Change Ctrl+Alt+Delete options using Registry In Windows 10

Change Ctrl+Alt+Delete options using Registry In Windows 10

Windows, via tweaking, let you do interesting things. Some are easier to perform and lets you customize your PC and make it run the way you like. A simple tweak simply makes you learn a keyboard shortcut you would like to use to perform a task you undertake regularly. While some advanced tweaks involve Registry editing.

Let us in this post see how to change Ctrl+Alt+Delete Options using the Windows Registry in Windows 10/8/7. Please note that the tweak requires modifying registry settings. It is advisable to backup your settings before proceeding further.

Change Ctrl+Alt+Delete options using Registry

In Windows, when you click Ctrl + Alt + Delete together, you are presented with a screen with following options:

Should you wish to, you can opt to hide one or more of these options, as follows. Open Regedit and navigate to the following key-


Double click on value/s mentioned below & set its value as 1. This will disable the corresponding option from appearing.

If any of them don't exist, right-click on any blank white space in the right side and create a New DWORD value name, as mentioned above, and set its value to 1.

This will disable the corresponding option. To revert to default, you may switch the value, back to 0.

Do always create a system restore point first, before touching the Registry!

Also, see how you can customize Ctrl+Alt+Del Screen in Windows 10/8/7 using Group Policy.

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