
Add a moustache to every face in your Google Chrome browser

Add a moustache to every face in your Google Chrome browser

Craving for a moustache? If not a real one, then at least a virtual one?  A new extension in Google Chrome allows you to either 'own' a moustache or add that fluffy hair above the persons lips when a picture opens up in the web page.

Called as Mustachio, this extension automatically detects all the images on a web page and selects those which have a face in them. And then as you browse around, it adds up that 'dreaded' moustache and then… Voila!

Mustachio uses API to detect faces in images. It usually takes a couple of seconds to process the images after having loaded a webpage successfully.

My excitement to play around with it was short-lived when I found this update on its official page:

The extension went viral; the servers don't cope with the load - sorry. It works intermittently at the moment. To help cope with the load, it only processes images over 45000 pixels (that's 300 * 150 px or similar) at the moment.

I am pretty much excited to try this Chrome extension for I am dying to see how Lady Gaga would look in a moustache.

To all those naughty readers who want to have some fun, you can download it from here and play around. (You can thank me later :D). Meanwhile you can watch the demo here.

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