
A single Inbox to collect Messages from all your Email accounts and Social networks

A single Inbox to collect Messages from all your Email accounts and Social networks

Looking for a freeware application that can act as an Inbox for all your email accounts like Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, IMAP/POP3 accounts and social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc? If so you may want to check out Inbox2.

Inbox2 will collect your messages, documents, links and contacts from these accounts an let  you read and reply to them without having to login to these accounts. The software also give you status update notifications from your taskbar.

The Windows desktop version can be downloaded and used for free. I understand that there may be a premium version in future which will offer some more features.

At the time of writing, there was not much information available on the home page except for a download link and a video.

Home page. (Update: Please read the comments and excercise your judgement before you choose to install it)

The product is a beta release.

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