
Jak zainstalować i używać Redis na Linux Mint
W świecie serwerów Redis to popularna nazwa. Redis może działać jako baza danych, ale to o wiele więcej. Krótko mówiąc, Redis to struktura danych w pa...
Install Redis on CentOS 7.5
Redis is a quick database like server that can be used as a in memory cache or data store. Its very popular in the context of scalable websites becaus...
Install Redis on Ubuntu
Redis is an In-Memory Data Store. That is, Redis stores data in the computer's memory (RAM). Redis is used as a cache server of a website or applicati...
How to install Redis 3.2.8 Database on Ubuntu 17.04 & Linux Mint
Redis 3.2.8 recently released, is an open source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database to cache and message broker. It supports data str...