Malina Pi - Strona 2

What Are the Differences Between Raspberry Pi and Arduino?
Raspberry Pi and Arduino are usually the top choices for a broad range of build projects because of their size, price, and versatility. Both boards we...
Jaka jest różnica między Raspberry Pi 3 a 4??
Raspberry Pi może brzmieć jak apetyczny deser o smaku malinowym, ale daleko mu do jadalnego. Jest to jednopłytkowy komputer wielkości karty kredytowej...
Do czego służy Raspberry Pi Zero?
Raspberry Pi zostało stworzone, aby edukować uczniów na temat komputerów i uczyć ich programowania. Zestaw oparty na systemie Linux jest kompletny ze ...
Porównanie systemu operacyjnego Raspberry Pi z. Armbian kontra. Debian GNU/Linux
Wielu programistów może mieć to samo pytanie: Czy Armbian to tylko kolejny smak Debiana GNU/Linuksa, czy może jest to coś zupełnie innego?? Jakie są r...
5 Best Linux Distributions for Raspberry Pi Compared
There are many Linux distributions (operating systems) for the Raspberry Pi single-board computers. In this article, I am going to talk about the 5 be...
How to Install Zabbix 5 on Raspberry Pi 4?
Zabbix is an open-source monitoring tool, and with it, you can monitor your servers, virtual machines, networks, cloud services, and many more. It is ...
How to Set Up a Raspberry Pi Network Monitor?
Zabbix is an open-source monitoring tool in which you can monitor your servers, virtual machines, networks, cloud services, and many more. It is a ver...
Securing Raspberry Pi with Firewall
If you want to run some kind of server software on your Raspberry Pi (i.e., web server, database server, Minecraft server) and make them publicly avai...
How to Enable KVM Kernel Module on Raspberry Pi OS?
The KVM, or Kernel Virtual Machine, is the virtualization solution for Linux. It is a Linux kernel module that allows the Linux kernel to act as a hyp...