
Windows 10 stuck on Please wait screen

Windows 10 stuck on Please wait screen

If you start your Windows 10 computer, and it gets stuck on the “Please wait,” screen then here is how you can resolve the issue. After the computer starts, many system services start even before you log-in to the computer. Services related to Network, User Interface, and more have to be ready by the time you reach your desktop.

Windows 10 stuck on Please wait screen

If you find that your computer screen is stuck on the Please wait screen, then here are some steps that will help you. On this screen, you will not able to use ALT+CTRL+DEL and so the only option you have is to reboot the computer.

  1. Force Automatic Startup Repair
  2. Disable some Windows Services
  3. Rollback Changes or perform System Restore.

1] Force Automatic Startup Repair

It would have been wise to use a Windows 10 Bootable USB drive to boot into the safe mode, but assuming you don't have access to any other computer, let's force this.

First, disconnect external drives, peripherals, etc, wait for a minute and power on your system.

Now, force shutdown- and then power on - your computer three times in a row. You can do this by first turning on the computer and then immediately pressing the power button again, but this time, keep it pressed. It will turn off the computer. If you are using a desktop, you can also switch off from the power supply. Repeat this three times.

The next time you start the computer, it will begin the Automatic Startup Repair process, which will eventually launch the  Advanced Recovery mode.

Go to Troubleshoot and then select Safe Mode.

2] Disable Services

Once the computer boots into the Safe mode, you need to disable three services-

  1. Windows Error Reporting Service,
  2. Network List Service
  3. Network Location Awareness.

To do this, open the Run prompt and type services.msc, and then press the Enter key.

It will open the Windows Services Manager.

Locate the services we mentioned, and follow the steps for each of the services.

Double click to open the Service properties

Stop it if the service is running

Change its Startup type to Disabled

Click Apply.

Restart the computer.

3] Rollback Changes or perform System Restore

When you are back to the regular boot, the, Please wait screen should not hold for long, and you should get the log-in screen or the desktop if there is no password set.

While I wanted to suggest this earlier, but now that you are here, you need to find the reason.  If there was a change you made to the computer before the issue occurred you may need to reverse it. If you can figure out, it will be easy to fix the cause. If not, the best option is to restore your computer to a previous working state.

TIP: There are more suggestions here that will help you if your Windows 10 is stuck on loading some screen.

I hope this post was easy to understand, and you were able to pass the Windows 10 stuck on Please wait screen.

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