
Ultimate Extract and Recover is a free unarchiver software for Windows with Unicode support

Ultimate Extract and Recover is a free unarchiver software for Windows with Unicode support

When it comes to extracting a zip file or archive file, most of the software fails if there is a Unicode in the name. In this post, we are talking about Ultimate Extract and Recover. It is an unarchiver software, which offers to process of files and directories with Unicode names and Unicode passwords. It can extract both ZIP and RAR files.

Ultimate Extract and Recover unarchiver software

Ultimate Extract and Recover (UER) is written from scratch in C# and .NET Framework, which offers advanced features, faster processing as well. There are both free and paid versions, and for most people, the free version should be more than enough.

How do you use it?

One of the impressive features of the software is that it can extract multiple ZIP or Archive files one after the other available in a folder. Once you launch the software, set up the input directory and extraction directory, when you start the process, it will search for ZIP files and extract them one after the other. Even if your ZIP file is hidden under subdirectory, it will examine it and find it.

So if you are missing any archive file, just point it to this software, and it will give you the exact location and also extract them. During extraction, you can always pause and resume anytime.

To extract an individual file, you need to use the “Open With” option, and then locate the UER program to retrieve it. It is a little annoying that there is no drag-drop support; the program doesn't show up in the Programs menu.

Features of Ultimate Extract and Recover (Free)

You can download the free version of this unarchiver software for Windows from nvglabs.com. You are sure to find this unarchiver useful - especially if you have Unicode in the ZIP and RAR files.

Read: Free File Compression software for Windows 10.

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