
Read MSDN Magazines, Newsletters and TechNet Newsletters online

Read MSDN Magazines, Newsletters and TechNet Newsletters online

Microsoft announced the discontinuation of MSDN Magazine earlier this year. The developer-focused magazine started out under the name Microsoft Systems Journal back in 1986 and got its current name in 2000 when Microsoft merged the Microsoft Systems Journal and Microsoft Internet Developer magazines.

The November 2019 is the last published issue of the MSDN Magazine. Microsoft announced the end of the magazine earlier this year.

A new hub on the Microsoft Docs website has been created as an archive of back issues. The archive hosts issues of the MSDN Magazine as well as MSDN and TechNet newsletters.

The MSDN Magazine page uses a somewhat confusing layout. The sidebar lists the years 2000 to 2019, the main content area the years 2003 to 2018.

Most magazines may be read online or downloaded to the local system. Digital downloads are provided as PDF files, the online versions link to the MSDN website instead. Some issues are only available online, others may result in 404 not found errors when opened. The links, download and online, to recent magazine issues seem to work fine, however. Digital downloads are not yet provided for the October and November 2019 issues.

The content of the Microsoft Developer Newsletter / MSDN Flash archive uses a similar design. The newsletters may be read online but there is no option to download individual issues as PDF files to the local system (a program like Free HTML to PDF Converter or a browser extension such as Single File may be used to download these issues to the local system). Issues range from 2006 to 2019.

Similarly, TechNet's Flash Archive is also only available online. Issues range from 2009 to 2019 and all may be read online only.

You can follow this link to open the main archive page; it links to the MSDN Magazine, MSDN Newsletter and TechNet Newsletter archives. Note that you also find a link to the MSDN and TechNet Blogs Archive on the page. The link does not work right now; it returns a 404 not found error.

Developers may find the archive useful. Most articles focus on Microsoft programming languages and systems such as Visual Basic, ASP.NET or C#.  (via Deskmodder)

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