
New Bing Linked Pages will help your friends find the real you

New Bing Linked Pages will help your friends find the real you

Microsoft has launched Bing Linked Pages, a new service that allows you to link your Facebook account with Bing Search. This lets your Facebook friends to find the pages about you on the Internet, when they search using Bing Search.

The result is that when your Facebook friends search about you or your friends, your friends will see these 'linked' pages grouped higher in the Bing search results.

People who share the same name with others, will find this service especially useful. For instance, there may be many “John Smith's” out there, but when a particular John Smith's  friends are looking for him, they want to find their friend John and information about him.

To get started visit and click on Get Started. You will be required to log into your Facebook account and give Bing access.

You will now see results about yourself. Click on the Link to me button below any of the results. When you link to a page about yourself, a link to that page is also posted on your Facebook timeline.

To remove any of the linked pages, click on Unlink me.

If you want to block or prevent linking by friends, simply block the Bing app in your Facebook settings.

You can visit Microsoft for more information on this.

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