
Mobile Hotspot not showing up or detected on laptop

Mobile Hotspot not showing up or detected on laptop

The Mobile Hotspot feature is used to share the Internet connection via WiFi signals. These signals are later caught by other devices using WiFi and the Internet connection is shared. But some users have been reporting that the WiFi network is not visible on other devices. This could be due to various factors, but the main one here being the frequency at what the WiFi network is being broadcasted.

Mobile Hotspot not showing up on other devices

Usually, there are only two frequencies at which a WiFi network is broadcasted. They are either broadcasted at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The ones with 5 GHz need specific hardware as it is a newer technology. There are various other pieces of equipment and electrical appliances that operate at 2.4 GHz which includes microwaves too. Hence, it causes disruption in the strength in signals.

Hence, you can try to toggle the Network band or the frequency at which the network is broadcasted to fix this issue.

Open the Windows 10 Settings App.

Navigate to the following path: Network & Internet > Mobile hotspot.

Click on the button that says Edit.

It will be under the Network name, Network password, and Network band.

Select the Network band to be 2.4 GHz.

Click on Save.

Restart the Mobile Hotspot on your Windows 10 device and the WiFi on the receiving device.

You will now be able to find the network and use it.

Read next: Mobile Hotspot not working in Windows 10.

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