
iSpring Free A PowerPoint to Flash converter for Windows that really works!

iSpring Free A PowerPoint to Flash converter for Windows that really works!

PPT's are files that only run on the Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation software. Have you ever wanted to convert your PPTs into a global Web-Playable format that is 'SWF'? iSpring can do the task for you. iSpring is a PowerPoint to Flash converter which has a lot of features. It can take your PPTs to the next level by just embedding SWF into it.

Free PowerPoint to Flash converter

iSpring comes in two versions, those are iSpring Free and iSpring Pro. Today, in this article we will discuss iSpring Free.

iSpring Free Features

iSpring is full of features. Let's briefly have a look at them:


If we talk about the interface of the program, it is very easy to use. If you are familiar with the PowerPoint interface, then no need to worry as this program works as an add-in for PowerPoint and it installs in the ribbon of PowerPoint as an extra Tab.

There are two options in the tab -  'Quick Publish' and a 'Publish' option. If you choose Quick Publish then your PPT would directly get converted to SWF file with default settings. If you click on the Publish button then you would see a popup window displaying a lot of features that you can exclude and include in your PPT.

Talking about the output generated file, when your PPT is finally saved into an SWF file, you can open the accompanying HTML file in any browser - but make sure that you have Adobe Flash installed into your machine. When the file opens, you will see your presentation embedded into a nice and decent player having its controls in the bottom bar. The player is very easy to use and I hope you or your clients would never face problems while viewing PPT like this. In this free version, however, a small logo of the publisher company is displayed in the bottom left corner of the output file.


I would like to say that the iSpring Free is the best option to convert your PPT into SWF and as the company says “iSpring Free will do it tasks better than its competitors who charge a fee”! Check it out and let us know what you feel!

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