
Install Piggydb - A Flexible Diary Notebook DB on Linux

Install Piggydb - A Flexible Diary Notebook DB on Linux

Piggydb is a flexible and scalable knowledge building platform that supports a heuristic or bottom-up approach to discover new concepts or ideas based on your input. You can begin with using it as a flexible outliner, diary or notebook, and as your database grows, the app helps you to shape or elaborate your own knowledge. Soon, it will become an indispensable knowledge base to your creative work. You can create highly structured content by connecting knowledge fragments to each other to build a network structure, which is more flexible and expressive than a tree structure.

App does not aim to be an input-and-search database application. It aims to be a platform that encourages you to organize your knowledge continuously to discover new ideas or concepts, and moreover enrich your creativity.

Key Features

How to Install latest Piggydb 7.0 on Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 16.04

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre wget http://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/piggydb/Piggydb/7.0/piggydb-standalone-7.0.zip unzip piggydb-standalone-7.0.zip cd piggydb-standalone/ java -jar piggydb-standalone.jar

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