
How to create Silhouette in PowerPoint

How to create Silhouette in PowerPoint

After reading the title of the post you must be thinking “Creating Silhouettes”? Why would I need to create a silhouette ? Well the answer lies in its meaning, silhouettes means A drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled in with a solid color.

Silhouettes can help you in creating really professional presentations. You must be thinking HOW? Well, let's take an example. Suppose you want to present the demographics of a particular city in your presentation. To represent two genders male and female, what will you like to choose? Real pictures or just representations? Real pictures won't work in professional presentation as generally you are not presenting for particular sex, creed, race or religion. So we just representations or commonly known as Silhouettes.

Create Silhouette in PowerPoint

Let us understand how we can do this.

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