
How to calibrate Xbox One Controller in Windows 10

How to calibrate Xbox One Controller in Windows 10

Windows 10 PC supports Xbox Game Controller. You can connect it with your PC, and play games that support it. You can also stream Xbox Games on PC, and use the game controller to play games if your Xbox One console and PC are very far away.

That said, many a time the controller doesn't seem to work properly, and if this is the case with you, you may need to calibrate Xbox One Controller in Windows 10. This is exactly what we will talk about in this guide.

This post tells you how you can reset or calibrate Xbox One Controller in Windows 10. It will run a wizard which will let you test all your buttons for the different axis. Once done you can try the inbuilt testing tool to see if it works properly.

Calibrate Xbox One Controller

You will know if your Xbox One game controller needs calibration when you have trouble playing the game on your PC. Sometimes the trigger will not fire timely or there is something wrong with the axis of the controller. They all will result in random movement during gameplay.

You have two options in this process. Either you can reset to bring the controller back to default settings, or you can try to calibrate. We suggest you do the later first.

If this still doesn't work, you can choose to reset the Xbox controller. We had that option under Game controller settings.

This should resolve the calibration issue with your Xbox One controller on Windows 10 PC. In case you still have issues, you can connect to an Xbox, and try changing these settings on Xbox One as well. Xbox One does allow you to map different buttons, and swap them if you are used to that kind of setting.

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