
Groove Music App Error 0xc00d1388 on Windows 10

Groove Music App Error 0xc00d1388 on Windows 10

Our computing or browsing experience is not always a smooth affair. Sometimes, we encounter problems that are not only difficult to fix but completely unknown since they are in the form of codes. One such problem is usually seen when trying to log in to Groove Music App on Windows 10 - Error 0xc00d1388. If you receive Error 0xc00d1388 when trying to log in to Groove Music App on Windows 10 or Windows 10 Mobile device, you may need to migrate your Xbox Live account.

The primary cause for this problem can be attributed to Microsoft Account and the settings on your Windows 10 PC that don't match. These settings should be the same. For instance, If you have American Microsoft Account the settings should set to America. So, the readily available solution at your disposal is to set the Microsoft Account and the settings on your PC to same.

Groove Music App Error 0xc00d1388

Go to the Account migration page.

When prompted, sign in using the account that you want to migrate to another region.

Next, scroll down at the bottom of the page to locate the 'Next' option. Click the option.

Thereafter, on the “Moving your Xbox Live account” page, select the region that you're moving your account to, then click I Accept.

Please note that you will not be able to change your region if any of the following conditions apply:

Your account is currently suspended (for instance, if the credit card on one of your memberships has expired).

Second, if you changed regions within the last three months.

You have an Xbox 360 Entertainment For All contract.

You are a minor (in the eyes of the law/applicable law) in your current region and will not be a minor in the region that you want to change to.

You are currently not a minor (as defined by applicable law) in your current region and will become a minor in the region that you want to change to.

The procedure to be followed is similar if you receive such an error on your Windows 10 Mobile phone device.

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