
Get the Microsoft Device Center app for Windows 8

Get the Microsoft Device Center app for Windows 8

Microsoft has released a new Microsoft Device Center Beta application that will help you get the most out of your Microsoft keyboard and mouse, in Windows 8.

Using this app, you will be able to customize your devices from an easy-to-learn Windows 8 interface and decide how you work on your PC.

You can do this by tailoring your mouse and keyboard to meet your specifications and by helping you create new shortcuts that make tedious tasks easy.

Once installed, you can launch it from the Windows 8 Start screen, view and change basic and application-specific settings for all connected devices in one place, explore features.

The app comes with an online Healthy Computing Guide for tips on how to work more comfortably on your computer

You can visit Microsoft to download it.

It's a 43MB download.

Need some help in getting started with Windows 8? Check out our Basic Windows 8 start screen and desktop navigation guide.

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