
Filter Amazon Video content by language

Filter Amazon Video content by language

Amazon Video is an add-on service for Prime members that works in many regards just like Netflix.

Amazon produces original series such as Bosch, Jean-Claude von Johnson or The Man in the High Castle  that you may watch on the site, and third-party content that it licensed.

Shows and movies may be offered in multiple languages and with subtitles for languages on top of that.

There is usually no indication however if a movie or show supports that. While you can load it up to find out, there is a better way to go about it that may improve your experience on the site.

Filter Amazon Video content by language

What Amazon makes available differs from region to region. You may get shows or movies in the US that you cannot watch in Germany or the UK at that moment. This is very similar to Netflix.

This means that if you are abroad, you may only get access to local shows and movies, and not your usual selection.

You have one option however to find movies or shows in your language.


Visit the main Amazon Video site to get started. The link brings you to the German Amazon Video site as I use it as an example.

Note: The US Amazon Video site offers fewer language options than other sites. You get the local language, and then at least English on top of that in most regions.

Use the search at the top to find content of interest.  Amazon returns a list of results on the search results page that you may go through.

The left sidebar lists various filtering options that may come in handy. If you scroll down a bit on the page, you come eventually to the "language spoken" and "subtitles & closed captioning" section.

Language spoken lists all languages the movies or shows of the search results support. Simply make a selection there to filter the results so that only matching language content is listed.

The same is true for subtitles, and you may combine the two as well if you want.

This works well and should return only results that match the selected language or languages. The feature is a bit limited, as you may only use it when you search and not generally on Amazon.

Second option

There is a second option that you may explore. It depends largely on the regional Amazon store though and is not universal.

In Germany, you may search for OV or OMU on Amazon Video to find content that is offered in its original version, or in its original version with German subtitles.

So, if you only want content that is offered in its original version, which is English most of the time but not always, you may add OV or OMU to the search phrase to find only that content.

A quick search for OV returned more than 17,000 titles available in English, but also content in Japanese, French, Italian or Spanish.

Now You: Which language do you prefer media content to be in?

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