
Download Windows 8 Clock Logon Screensaver for Windows 7

Download Windows 8 Clock Logon Screensaver for Windows 7

Inspired by Microsoft's next version of the Windows operating system, our TWC Author & TWCF Mod Lee Whittington has developed W8 Clock Logon Screensaver.

Update 1st May 2100: W8 Clock Logon Screensaver has been updated to v2.

Features of the screensaver:

Changes made in v2:

Known Issue in v2: Mini Preview does not display as there were was performance conflicts after adding support for dual Opacity between the background and font window.

Once you install you have option to have the setup to apply W8Clock as default Screensaver and open the Settings. If no settings are applied Default settings will be used.

You can preview the W8 Clock Logon Screensaver v2 or access it settings by opening Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Personalization\Screensaver.

If you wish to give feedback, please do so in the comments.

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