Online Safety

Download consumer brochure, Defend Your Computer, from Microsoft

Download consumer brochure, Defend Your Computer, from Microsoft

The appeal of the seemingly limitless information, images, and opportunities on the web can lead us to forget that this access comes with risk to our computers.

Cybercriminals work relentlessly to install malicious software (malware) like viruses and spyware on your computer to try to damage or seize control of it, use your email or instant messages (IM) to spread malware to friends' computers, or spy on your online activities, ultimately in an attempt to steal sensitive personal information and money.

Criminals use two broad strategies to try to break through a computer's defenses:

So how do you better secure your computer? Strengthen its defenses and train yourself to act cautiously as you click your way across the web!

Microsoft has released a Consumer Brochure titled Defend Your Computer, which has a lot of information and tips on this subject. You just might want to check it out!

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