
Differences Between Release Engineering and DevOps

Differences Between Release Engineering and DevOps
Today most companies are adopting some form of DevOps and configuration management philosophy. They are automating their pipelines. Some companies might be focusing on software release processes, while others might be more focused on the larger process management.

Release engineering is often confused with DevOps. There is a good reason. The roles and responsibilities often overlap. DevOps can be considered a superset of release engineering.

Release Engineering

Release engineering is a discipline that concentrates on the deployment of software. It tries to make better quality software at a reliable and predictable rate. Its mandate is to improve the software build and release pipeline. Here are some things release engineering emphasizes:


DevOps has a wider mandate. It concentrates on creating cross-functional collaboration between teams.

In the past, development teams and operations teams worked in their own silos. When development teams deployed their code in production, there would be heated discussions about who would take responsibility for any production problems. Also, the development team would want the latest and coolest features deployed, while operations team would want to stay away from taking any risks. It led to constant conflict between the two groups.

The purpose of DevOps practices was to bring development and operations closer together. Here are some things DevOps concentrate on:

In Conclusion

Due to the intersection of software process improvement concerns, release engineering is often confused with DevOps. But DevOps have a larger scope. While release engineering can live as a separate department, DevOps requires more integration with the organization's overall workflow. It's easier to set up a release engineering practice as the steps are concrete. DevOps requires an understanding of the organizational behavior, the work culture, and the infrastructure. Successful DevOps is not about the product only, it's about the whole organization.

Further Study

Towards Definitions for Release Engineering and DevOps

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