
Device Stage feature in Windows 7

Device Stage feature in Windows 7

Windows 7 introduces a new way to interact with your phone, camera, printer, or portable media player from the Windows desktop called as Device Stage. It works like a home page for select compatible devices and printers.

Device Stage in Windows 7

When you connect one of these devices or printers to your computer, Device Stage automatically opens and displays a variety of tasks you can perform in Windows with that device, along with information about the hardware. It gathers everything you can do with your device and puts it all in one place, making tasks easier to find and complete.

Device Stage lets you sync calendars, music, contacts, and other files with a compatible mobile device, as well as perform many other tasks that vary depending on the device.

For instance, you can create ringtones for a mobile phone, download software updates for some devices, or request customer support from some manufacturers.

Manufacturers can also customize Device Stage, so for many devices, you'll see status information and menu options tailored to your specific model-right down to a slick photo-realistic mug shot.

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