Server - Strona 3

15 ways to use the SCP command to transfer data in Linux
Generally, when you want to copy files and directories from one server/localhost machine to another, you need to use file-sharing services like Samba(...
Creating Dockerfiles, Dockerignore, and Docker Compose
One of the best ways to automate Docker to build images automatically is by using a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a simple text document that contains a...
Configuring GitLab Container Registry, CI Pipeline with SonarQube
In today's tutorial, we are going to use the GitLab container registry to store images. Please refer to our GitLab guide for GitLab installation and c...
Configuring Jenkins Pipeline with SonarQube and GitLab integration
Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of Jenkin features. It is one of the several ways of defining some Jenkins steps or combination of jobs using code and aut...
Working with Docker Images, Containers, and the DockerHub
Previously we showed how to install Docker on Ubuntu. Docker is a handy tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by usi...
How to install and configure Docker-CE on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Docker is a containerization technology designed to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers -from hybrid cloud to the edge. Docker is...
Windows Defender on Windows Server 10
Windows Server 10 will ship with Windows Defender. Microsoft has updated its TechNet Library to reflect this position, since Windows Server Technical ...
How to disable or enable ReFS or Resilient File System on Windows 10
Since the time NTFS was devised and formulated in the Windows OS, data storage requirements have drastically changed. There was a dire need for a next...
Windows Server 2016 Editions, Pricing, Availability, Features
Windows Server 2016 is the latest version of Microsoft's server operating system. Being developed in line with Windows 10, its first technical preview...