A-Z Commands - Strona 2

100 Useful Vim Commands That You'll Need Every day
No matter whether you're a sysadmin by profession or just an old school tech enthusiast like me, if you ever find yourself in love with the awe-inspir...
The 50 Most Useful Zypper Commands for SUSE Linux Users
If you are a veteran Linux user like me, chances are you have come across the term SUSE Linux. It is one of the most powerful, enterprise-ready Linux ...
40 Useful Examples of Linux PS Command for Aspiring SysAdmins
The ps command is a handy utility that allows us to view important process information. A process is simply a running instance of a program. Whenever ...
Linux Netstat Command Tutorial for SysAdmins [40 Examples]
The netstat (network statistics) utility in Linux provides information related to network connections. You can use various netstat commands to display...
The 40 Go Command Examples for Aspiring Golang Developers
Go is a statically-typed programming language with strong support for concurrency. It is backed by Google and is meant for general-purpose projects li...
40 Practical and Useful awk Command in Linux and BSD
AWK is a powerful data-driven programming language that dates its origin back to the early days of Unix. It was initially developed for writing 'one-l...
The 50 Useful Linux IP Commands for Network Administrators
Linux offers some of the best networking utilities for end users. For a long time, the ifconfig commands have been the go-to solution for handling net...
15 Useful Examples of touch Command in Linux System
The touch command is a simple but useful command in Unix-like systems that allow users to create files and change timestamps directly from the termina...
The 50 Best YUM Command Examples for RHEL or CentOS Users
YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) is a free and powerful package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions. It was initially developed to manage packa...