Makary Marzec, artykuły - Strona 4

Gry 10 best Family and Kids games for Windows 10 PC
10 best Family and Kids games for Windows 10 PC
Are looking for a way to settle those tiny family disputes? Take out a board game, involve everyone in it and let the best man win. Weekends can be du...
How to use Python NumPy mean(), min() and max() functions?
Python NumPy library has many aggregate or statistical functions for doing different types of tasks with the one-dimensional or multi-dimensional arra...
How to Use Python NumPy arange() Function
Many functions exist in the Python NumPy library to perform different types of numerical and scientific operations. Creating different types of arrays...
Jak zainstalować środowisko programistyczne NumPy Python na Ubuntu?
Python to nowoczesny język programowania, który obsługuje teraz dużą liczbę bibliotek. Za pomocą tych bibliotek można wykonywać różne rodzaje zadań. N...
Python Vectors, Matrices and Arrays with NumPy
In this lesson, we will look at some neat tips and tricks to play with vectors, matrices and arrays using NumPy library in Python. This lesson is a ve...
How to Install Google Cloud SDK on Ubuntu 20.04?
The Google Cloud SDK gives us the opportunity to use a terminal to access Google Cloud. It is a toolkit for creation which comes with many commands th...
How to Install Discord on Ubuntu 20.04
Discord is a text, image, video, and audio communication application designed for video gaming communities. This service is also becoming increasingly...
How to Convert MKV to MP4 in Ubuntu Using FFmpeg
FFmpeg is a powerful multimedia framework that can be used to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter, and play almost any media files y...
Skonfiguruj lub zmień strefę czasową za pomocą polecenia ustawienia strefy czasowej
Twój komputer ustawia godzinę i datę synchronizacji z serwerem online. W niektórych przypadkach data i godzina mogą ulec zmianie, gdy komputer jest po...