Screen Capture

Screenshoter Quickly capture and save screenshots on Windows
Screenshoter is a tiny utility that lets you save your screenshots directly by pressing the Print Screen button. It is a real time saver as it saves a...
ScreenMe is a PowerShell tool to take screenshots in Windows PE
Windows PE  is a small version of Windows 10, which is primarily used to install, deploy, and repair Windows 10 for desktop editions. It means it does...
Windows 10 not saving captured Screenshots in Pictures folder
Till Windows 7, we had to rely upon third-party tools to capture the current window or screen snapshot called screenshots, but with Windows 10 or Wind...
How to take High Resolution screenshots in Windows 10
Capturing screenshots is a handy way to document and share information you want to make visible to others. By default, Windows OS features multiple op...
Narzędzie do przechwytywania ekranu systemu Windows dla systemu Windows 10
Narzędzie do przechwytywania ekranu systemu Windows to bezpłatne narzędzie do przechwytywania ekranu zaprojektowane do pracy w systemie operacyjnym Wi...
Jak zrobić przewijany zrzut ekranu w systemie Windows 10
W tym poście dowiesz się, jak zrobić przewijanie zrzutu ekranu w systemie Windows 10. Dlatego zamiast przechwytywać tylko widoczny obszar folderu, str...
Make PrtScr key open Screen Snipping Tool to copy a region of your screen
When you press the PrtScr key on your keyboard, the whole screen is copied. If you want this PrintScreen key to copy a region of your screen instead o...