Login - Strona 2

Picture password sign-in option not available in Windows 10
Picture password is a feature introduced in Windows OS that allows you to create three different gestures on any image of your choice and use those ge...
Make Windows 10 PC require password on wake up from Sleep
Protecting access to our Windows 10 PC is of paramount importance, and one way of doing it is protecting it with the help of a strong password. While ...
The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged into
While entering the Windows 10 system, if a user mistakenly enters the wrong password for several times, he may see the following message on his comput...
How to set up Picture Password in Windows 10
As one of the most secure operating systems, Windows 10 offers its users a variety of ways to login to authenticate themselves. From a regular passwor...
Windows 10 freezes at Login Screen
If you face a situation where after you enter the password of your account and press the Enter key, Windows 10 freezes at the login screen, then this ...
Windows 10 stuck at log in screen after upgrade
Some users who upgraded to Windows 10 are reporting that their PC is now stuck at the log in screen. In some cases, the field to enter the password is...
Unable to add or use PIN sign-in option in Windows 10
Signing in to your device with a four-digit PIN is the easiest way to unlock your Windows 10 device, rather than entering a password. But some Windows...
Jak usunąć login PIN w Windows 10?
Windows 10 zapewnia pełny zestaw funkcji bezpieczeństwa, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo pulpitu. Jedną z jego funkcji bezpieczeństwa jest Witaj w systemi...
Profil użytkownika został przez pomyłkę usunięty i teraz nie można zalogować się do systemu Windows 10
Gdy usuniesz profil użytkownika w systemie Windows 10 za pomocą ustawień konta użytkownika, system Windows usunie wszystkie pliki i dane. Jeśli jednak...