Action Center

Windows 7 Action Center
The Windows 7 Action Center can be considered as a place where you can find all the messages relating to your PC, on which you need to take action.It ...
Notifications and Actions Center in Windows 10
The Notifications and Action Center in Windows 10 lists all the notifications from all different apps, and even the system. You can even directly repl...
How to pin Action Center as a Sidebar in Windows 10
The Action Center is a notification center where you can view, interact with, and dismiss all Windows 10 notifications. The Action Center lists items ...
How to disable Notification and Action Center in Windows 10
The new Notification & Action Center in Windows 10 looks great. The Action Center is split into two major sections - Notifications and Quick Actions a...
How to open and use Windows 10 Action Center
In this post, we will see where is the Action Center in Windows 10, and how to open and use the Windows 10 Action Center. The post also suggests a few...
Jak usunąć stare powiadomienia w Centrum akcji w systemie Windows 10
Wyskakujące okienka z powiadomieniami na ekranie systemu komputerowego to bardzo częsty widok, prawda?? Jedno małe okienko unoszące się informujące o ...
How to enable or disable Notifications from apps and other senders in Windows 10
Windows 10's Action Center notifies you of each unread notification sent by an app. However, if you do not want to get such things, you can disable no...
Jak ukryć liczbę nowych powiadomień w Centrum akcji w systemie Windows 10?
Centrum akcji pokazuje całkowitą liczbę nowych powiadomień, takich jak znaczek na odpowiedniej ikonie na pasku zadań. Jeśli chcesz ukryć całkowitą lic...
Windows 10 does not detect installed Firewall or Antivirus
I ran into this situation the other day where I installed ESET Smart Security, but Windows was unable to detect that I have installed any antivirus so...