Microsoft Account

We couldn't connect to Microsoft family right now

We couldn't connect to Microsoft family right now

It is possible to add all your family members under what Windows offers as Microsoft family. These accounts can be seamlessly added to the computer without creating it manually like other accounts. However at times, Windows 10 can give an error saying “We can't connect to Microsoft family at the moment, so your family on this device might not be up to date.” or  “We couldn't connect to Microsoft family right now, so your family device may not be up to date“. Here is how you fix that problem.

We couldn't connect to Microsoft family right now, so your family on this device might not be up to date

The error shows up under Settings > Accounts > Family and other accounts. Here you can choose to add members and allow them to sign-in. But instead, you get an error that Windows cannot connect to Microsoft Family.  I believe that it's happening because of Windows 10 is not able to associate the current account with Microsoft Family. If you face this issue, try the following suggestions:

  1. Use a Microsoft Account
  2. Switch Microsoft account to local and back to Microsoft account or add another Microsoft account
  3. Run the Microsoft Account Troubleshooter.

1] Use a Microsoft account

When you try to access this feature with a local admin account, it will give the said error. Since the local account is not associated with a Microsoft account, the error becomes apparent. You need to convert the local account into Microsoft account and then add your family.

2] Switch Microsoft account to local and back to Microsoft account or add another Microsoft account

It is the same thing as above, but if your Microsoft account is having the same problem, you have two choices.

3] Run the Microsoft Account Troubleshooter

You may try the Microsoft Account Troubleshooter, and see if it helps you.

So at the end of the day, it's not about your network having an issue or you need to reset Windows. Its something related with the Microsoft account which has a problem.

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