
Error 0xC004F06C, KMS determined that the request timestamp is invalid

Error 0xC004F06C, KMS determined that the request timestamp is invalid

If you have Windows 10 computer connected with an Enterprise your Windows 10 Activation depends on the KMS server of your company. If you receive an error code 0xC004F06C from the Software Protection Service with the message as KMS determined that the request timestamp is invalid, then you need fix few things on your computer to resolve this.

0xC004F06C, The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) determined that the request timestamp is invalid.

Error 0xC004F06C, KMS determined that the request timestamp is invalid

Since the Volume Activation Error message says “The system time on the client computer is too different from the time on the KMS host” the problem is very straightforward. The system time on the client computer i.e. yours is too different from the time on the KMS host.

Time sync is always important. Be it on with the Internet Time Server or when you are with the Enterprise. Since your enterprise computer depends on a lot of things from the server, including security,  it has to be in sync with it.

To fix this, you need to change the system time on the client to sync with KMS. This error suggests that you are using UTP or and is independent of Time Zone selection.

Network Time Protocol (NTP) time source

If you are not able to edit registry settings, you will have to connect with the admin to resolve this.

Active Directory Domain Services Time Source

To find out if your client is using ADDS time source, you need to examine the REG_SZ value.

If it's not the same, you need to connect with Admin to get it configured correctly.

Once the client is in sync with the KMS server, your activation error 0xC004F06C should be resolved.

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