
Cursor jumps or moves randomly while typing in Windows 10

Cursor jumps or moves randomly while typing in Windows 10

If you find that your mouse cursor jumps or moves on its own, automatically, randomly while typing in Windows laptop or computer, then some of these suggestions may help you fix the problem. This could typically happen if your touchpad is sensitive and you accidentally touch the touchpad while typing.

Mouse cursor jumps automatically

Cursor jumping around is another problem some users face, apart from having their mouse pointer disappear & get replaced with arrow keys. Here are a few suggestions. Go through the list and try them in any order you wish to. If something does not help you, do reverse the setting back.

  1. Check Mouse drivers
  2. Change the Touchpad sensitivity
  3. Don't Hide pointer while typing
  4. Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State
  5. Disable Touchpad
  6. Install 3rd-party freeware.

Let us see them in detail.

1] Check Mouse drivers

Ensure that your Mouse, Touchpad and Keyboard device drivers are up-to-date. Ensure that the Mouse battery is OK. Run your antivirus software scan to rule out the possibility of some malware causing this.

2] Change the Touchpad sensitivity

In Windows 10, open Settings > Devices > Touchpad, and change the Touchpad sensitivity to Low sensitivity and see.

In Windows 8.1, open PC Settings > PC and Devices > Mouse and Touchpad. Under Touchpad settings, you will see To help prevent the cursor from accidentally moving when you change the delay before clicks work.

Here from the default Medium Delay, select Long Delay, and see if it helps.

Disabling the Touchpad has been known to resolve the mouse jumping issue for some. See if this helps you.

3] Don't Hide pointer while typing

Open Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer Options. Uncheck Hide pointer while typing and see if it makes the problem go away.

4] Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State

Start the computer in Clean Boot State and see if the problem persists. If it does, then maybe some program is interfering with the normal functioning of the mouse. You will have to try and identify the probable cause.

5] Disable Touchpad

Disable or turn off the Touchpad. Open Device Manager, expand Mice and other pointing devices. If you see some Touchpad entry, right-click on it and select Disable. Else open the Mouse Control Panel applet. The last tab usually offers you the option to disable Touchpad.

6] Install 3rd-party freeware

Install 3rd-party freeware called TouchFreeze and see if it works for you. This tool automatically disables Touchpad while you are typing text, to prevent the mouse cursor moving, if accidentally the palm of your hand brushes the Touchpad. Touchpad Pal is another useful tool for Windows users. It will detect any keyboard activity and immediately disable the touchpad.

Let us know if any of these suggestions helped you - or if you have any other ideas

See this post if your Mouse left click brings up Context Menu in Windows.

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